Thursday, October 23, 2014

Real Feminism VS Bullshit Feminism

My day began on a gritty note when the morning news chose to fill air-time with this video:

I advise to not bother watching unless you're missing examples of the Left's obsession with corrupting everything they can, dragging people and things through the muck and bringing them down until everything is equally dirty, equally degraded, equally impoverished. Little girls in princess outfits? Let's ruin that! And they do, purportedly for the greater good, which in this case is..

..oh, who cares? As with the Islamic terrorist, any excuse for destruction will do.

The Left believes that little girls who are taught to use filthy language (after being told it's okay by a lousy parent) and do so at the top of their lungs are empowered. The Left believes that the Whore is the epitome of strong women, independent and the maker of her own destiny.

What the Left doesn't take into account is that the Whore doesn't eat unless the Man pays her. So let's talk about sexism, Leftists. Let's talk about female grade-school teachers who have sex with their male students, and who are not faced with the same outrage or punished with the same sentences as their male counterparts are. Let's talk about women who bitch about unequal pay yet can't seem to negotiate pay that they're satisfied with when they agree to take a job. Let's talk about those same women who demand crushing, punitive alimony payments upon divorce, once they tire of their husbands or have a harpy's ire when he gets tired of the alienations of affection and leaves for warmer climes. Empowered, are you? Not unless you're standing on your own.

Let me tell you about real power. I have frequently had the privilege and honor of being admitted into a man's inner emotional life. He has bared his deepest vulnerabilities with me, scared afterwards that I would become repulsed by his weakness and thereafter reject him as unworthy.

I have the power to get inside of a man's citadel, roam about, and either make the place my own, or burn the tapestries and loot the armory. That's power.

A Whore can't do that. Whores aren't admitted into the keep, no matter how loud they scream their blue streaks or how fast they take their clothes off. Any man worth his armor and sword wouldn't trust a woman who didn't value herself, because if she doesn't value herself, she cannot value others. The way a woman comports herself is an indication of how well she will guard a man's secrets, and maybe even how well she will turn progeny into men and women of merit.

Little girls whose mothers teach them to have contempt for innocence and cleanliness will rue those mothers one day, when ill-considered social media photos dog them into adulthood, when the boys can't be enticed by more backseat amusements, when STDs contaminate intimacy and real love is a dim idea too seemingly impossible to even want to attain. How would one start looking for it? There was no role model to show the way. The father was only a commodity, cast aside once he had paid the Whore with himself before he could teach the daughter how she should expect a man to honor her.

Or more tragically, perhaps the Man had accepted finally, after all of the shrill haranguing and accusations, that he truly was an oppressor and should move on from female to female so as not to over-burden any woman with himself. Maybe he became all-too-happy to take advantage of the lack of accountability. An abundance of free women and no responsibilities keeps a man a child.

A nation of man-children and whores. Thank you, American Left. You call this "Progress" and the people are too cowed even to ask "Progress unto where, exactly?"

I don't have the time or resources to rebut garbage like the above video, but I'm glad other people do. Thanks, Julie Borowski!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Six Reasons to Panic | The Weekly Standard

Six Reasons to Panic | The Weekly Standard

And if you haven't already, now might be a nice time to read Max Brooks' World War Z just to begin familiarizing yourself with the dance of denial, panic and cold calculations necessary to stop the spread of plague.