Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What's the best way to start writing a great short story?

What is your favorite kanji and why?

A Quora question, answered by Gilberto De Melo

Not only it is a nice looking character but its underlying meaning is also beautiful.

The top part is 羊 (ひつじ), which means "sheep". The bottom part is 我 (われ), which means "I".

Together, both characters are "lamb over me", which is a concept that came from Judaism, where lambs were sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins. It was also practiced in ancient China, where it gave origin to this character.

Meaning in English:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Scary Query

A query letter is supposed to be one page consisting of three paragraphs.
It is just like aikido, or haiku. Graceful simplicity.
Forever to master.

I have spent all day on a letter and am maybe brushing the surface of "adequate".

The sticking point I'm concerned with is this: Queries for non-fiction have a standard format which is different from the query for fiction. Word counts are generally included for fiction. If an agent (recommended for selling fiction to a publisher) is intrigued by the query, he'll want a "full", meaning the full manuscript. Not several sample chapters. The whole thing.

The project is itself fiction, intended for a market dealing mainly in non-fiction. How do I query this project?

It's a chimera.


The hook, bait and set

Story synopsis follows

Author bio. Thank.