Thursday, July 10, 2014

Scary Query

A query letter is supposed to be one page consisting of three paragraphs.
It is just like aikido, or haiku. Graceful simplicity.
Forever to master.

I have spent all day on a letter and am maybe brushing the surface of "adequate".

The sticking point I'm concerned with is this: Queries for non-fiction have a standard format which is different from the query for fiction. Word counts are generally included for fiction. If an agent (recommended for selling fiction to a publisher) is intrigued by the query, he'll want a "full", meaning the full manuscript. Not several sample chapters. The whole thing.

The project is itself fiction, intended for a market dealing mainly in non-fiction. How do I query this project?

It's a chimera.


The hook, bait and set

Story synopsis follows

Author bio. Thank.

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